Thursday 25 August 2022

A Summarized Review of Happy Money, by Ken Honda

Onsando Reads-

Happy Money: The Japanese Way of Making Peace With Your Money


Hi, I'm Onsando and I write brief summaries and reviews on books in multiple genres. Today let's talk Happy Money

You should be aware that almost everything you know about money has been passed down to you from your parents, peers, and the schooling system. The good, the bad, and the ugly, all get passed down a line of generations.
In Happy Money, Ken Honda rights these wrongs by explaining how money possesses energy….Yes energy, both positive and negative.
The book takes a Zen-like approach to money and wealth encouraging the reader to live in the present and give gratitude for all that you have and in this case your money.
“If you hate your job and always complain about something in your life, your money is crying or angry in your wallet” Ken Honda
While it is essential to have money knowledge (IQ), Money discipline (EQ) is equally important.
Get a well-rounded and balanced life, have a strong supportive network to surround you and Happy Money will follow.
To get into the flow of Happy Money, Ken Honda suggests a five-step program to get the reader started.

You will also learn:

  • What the scarcity mindset is
  • The 3 Functions of money
  • How to become a Money Magnet
Amazon Link:
Spoiler alert: When you receive and spend, always remember to say Arigato! (Thank-you)

Wednesday 24 August 2022

A Summarized Review of The Art of Business Wars, By David Brown

Onsando Reads-

The Art of Business Wars

AUTHOR: David Brown

Hi, I'm Onsando and I write brief summaries and reviews on books in multiple genres. Today let's talk about The Art of Business Wars

The Art of Business Wars is to businesses what 48 Laws of Power is to politics.

Finding inspiration from the book Art of War by Sun Tsu, the author David Brown does an excellent job of comparing and contrasting two businesses in the same industry. He dives deep into secrets to what made these businesses succeed and some disappear into oblivion.

The skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible -Sun Tzu-

We all are aware of Netflix, Beats by Dre, iPhone and Tinder but you might have a tough time recalling Monster Cables, Blackberry, Blockbuster, and Bumble among others. So, what did these successful businesses do right? Is it a change in leadership? change in technology? being first off the blocks? filling a gap? All?

I recommend this book to anyone who’s in business or would like to get started.

You will learn:

  • What to/not to do in the competitive business world.
  • How to handle your competition
  • Negotiation skills

Amazon link

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Will By Will Smith and Mark Manson

 WILL, By Will Smith and Mark Manson


AUTHORS: Will Smith and Mark Manson

Amazon Link: Will by Will Smith

Will Smith

Self-made man to the point of near self-destruction is a sentence that I can use to describe Will Smith in his autobiography.


As a kid, Will Smith lived in a world full of fantasy, imagination, and performance which he attributes to his later life as an artiste.

Will takes us on a journey- from growing up in the hood in Philly to living large in Los Angeles. He introduces us to his friends Jazzy Jeff, Charlie Mack and Ready Rock some of whom have stood by him through it all. Even to this date.  

'I've often wondered if it was me…..being Baptist in a Catholic school than being Black in a white world' is statement enough that he lived in two conflicting worlds. Often, his friends will tell him off for being a child of the two worlds.

A lot is revealed in this autobiography: Failed love relationships, a fallout with old friends, run-ins with authorities, joys of having firsts in the entertainment industry, transition from the recording studio to the movie studio, and so many others.

For the lovers of audiobooks, Will does a good job of giving every character a different voice or accent just for your pleasure.


'It is impossible to be unhappy when you are grateful' -Gigi- (Will's grandmother)

Amazon Link: Will by Will Smith

Monday 22 November 2021


 TITLE: The DAILY LAWS: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy                 and Human Nature

AUTHOR: Robert Greene

Amazon Link:  The Daily Laws

The Daily Laws

Recently released (October 2021), 'The Daily Laws' gives day-to-day teachings on different aspects of life; be they in our workplaces, homes, relations et cetera. From 1st January to 31st December, get to learn a lesson every day to be applied in these different life scenarios.

Each teaching (law) contains a summary from his previous works -48 Laws of Power, 33 Strategies of War, Mastery, Art of Seduction, or Laws of Human Nature.

If one has read any of his works, you'll agree that Robert Greene is a prolific researcher of history, with his engaging examples of historical figures both past and current. Unfortunately, with The Daily Laws, it seems he toned down on this (Sad….. my opinion).

Just like all his works, prepare to read it from cover to cover, then put it in the reference section of your library.

-We have learned the rules so well that we can now be the ones to break or rewrite them-

Monday 8 November 2021


Title: COFFEE CAN INVESTING: The Low-Risk Road to Stupendous Wealth

Authors:      Saurabh Mukherjea

                     Rakshit Ranjan

                     Pranab Uniyal

Amazon link:  Coffee Can Investing 

Coffee Can Investing

Let us assume you’ve just won a lottery, maybe you’ve received an unexpected inheritance, or just some financial windfall has swept your way….. What do you do with the money? What will be your investment vehicle? Real estate? Commodities? Stocks? Mutual funds?

Well, it all depends on your goal.

Investing your coin can be a daunting issue. As much as it is personal, several books have been authored to try to sell you the 'perfect' investment plan.

Coffee Can Investing is one of the many investment books in the market trying to make sense of the various investment options available.

The authors make a good case for Stocks as a better investment option far from what most people believe to be. Most investors, mainly in India where most of the study was done, would rather go for real estate or commodities such as gold.

Once you are sold to the idea of Stocks, the big question is; For how long should you hold on to the stock? This question is tackled when the authors outline the seven basic mistakes individuals commit at the start of their investments journey.

Downside: Since the book is basically written for the Indian market, one might be confused with terms such as lakh, crore e.t.c This is the Indian numbering system used instead of thousand, hundred thousand, or millions.

The authors assume the reader is well versed with basic economics terms such as B2B, B2C, ROCE, P/E ratio.

Coffee Can Investing is available on Amazon and Audible at 

Friday 10 September 2021

The Power of Positive Thinking

 Title: Power of Positive Thinking


Author: Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

Amazon Link: Power of Positive Thinking

Power of Positive Thinking

 It is hard to imagine that when the book was published, in 1952, Norman Peale was heavily criticized. People all around him criticized him for ‘unproven’ conclusions, including fellow theologians.


But as we know today, modern theologians and pulpit preachers or those delivering the ‘gospel of prosperity’ have heavily borrowed from him. Get to read books by televangelists Joyce Meyer, T.D Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar among others and you'll see my point.


Norman V. Peale gets the reader to use the power of positive affirmation and visualization to achieve things short of miracles in their lives. He has outlined examples he has encountered in his life that these virtues have proven to work.


As a Christian, Pastor Peale has always referenced to God and numerously quoted the bible. But if that’s not your preference, you can always substitute ‘God’ with the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, Supreme Mind, or Chakra. 


My Opinion: A good read, still applies in today's life, but a new edition will be more relevant in the 21st century.


Conclusion: Do the things you fear, and the death of fear is certain

                                             -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

The book can be purchased in either hard, soft or audio formats. Follow the link below





Wednesday 18 August 2021

Never Split the Difference

 TITLE: Never Split the Difference:

             Negotiating as if your life depended on it.


Amazon Link: Never Split the Difference

Never Split the Difference

Being a former FBI agent with over 15 years experience under his belt, Chris Voss has manage to negotiate hostage situations in the US, Philippines, Ecuador, Haiti, Colombia among other countries.

In Never Split the Difference, he takes the experiences learnt in hostage situations & war zones and gives an intricate way on how these can be applied: be it in hostage negotiations, in the boardroom, within the home among others.

Each chapter begins with a real life hostage situation he handled and how he, and his team, managed to pacify the situation. At the end of the chapter, Voss gives the lessons to be learnt and real life examples he and others (mostly his students) used in order to gain an upper hand against a counterpart.

Some of the techniques he recommends include: Mirroring, labelling, calibrated questions and the 7-38-55 rule.

Spoiler Alert: ' No deal' is better than a bad deal 😊